
Hi! I'm Rhianna, a women's embodiment activator & mentor

Forget chanting “fucking patriarchy”

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read


Reader, hey you.

Forget chanting "fucking patriarchy", instead become the femme fatale and a danger to the system.

This is what it's really about.

I'm not into the blame "patriarchy" game. Yes, you've seen it pop up in my spaces because it triggers – gets that heart pulsing, that breath inhaled, that emotion sparked.

Yet, I'm not interested in chanting to burn it down or to suggest that men are the problem (I don't think they are).

I've always been more turned on by curing root causes.

  • The root cause of my chronic back pain? Sensory Motor Amnesia (basically 80% of all chronic pain issues)
  • The root cause of my burnout? Too much output of energy and not enough input (basic accounting error)
  • And the root cause that ties both together? Living in too much masculine energy as a feminine being

We can blame the doctors, western medicine, the job, the boss, the system, but it does nothing to change the most important thing – how WE feel.

Do I believe that women stepping into their feminine power will be life changing and world changing? YES!

And not just for us, but for men, for our LGBTQ+ neighbors, for our relationships, for our systems, for our values, for our bodies, for our futures.

When you let go of limiting beliefs like feminine power requiring pink aprons, weakness or being subordinate, you realize feminine is the power:

  • to be a woman unto herself
  • unapologetic about her boundaries (which she follows)
  • deeply tuned into her body and its intuition

That sounds like one happy, rich and confident woman to me.

And this type of woman is a femme fatale to the patriarchy naturally.

Being a danger to the system is just a bonus.

But here's a little secret. You CAN'T be a femme fatale if you are too busy, too stressed, too overwhelmed.

I need to clear up 3 big picture misunderstandings this week about exhaustion. An exhausted woman is tamed, caged, and enslaved to a system that uses her energy, her mind, and her health for someone else's benefit.

During these 2-minute clips I'll reveal:

  1. The differences between stress, stressor, and self-care (today!)
  2. Why the parasympathetic system is so critical to healing digestive issues (Wednesday)
  3. Why self-care isn't the answer to burnout (Thursday)

The first video is already posted in my FREE Facebook Group – watch it here. The next 2 drop Wednesday and Thursday.

Despite 9 years of holistic training and lifestyle, I missed these and when I share these insights with clients, I see the realization dawn on their faces. How much it all makes sense as to why what they've tried hasn't worked well.

And if you know a woman struggling with being too busy, too stressed, or too exhausted PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass this email on to her to save her the struggle of trying to "figure it out".

What the patriarchy feared most was strong women who shared their knowledge and wisdom. This is me sharing mine. Share it with your women.

I'm asking you to help me spread this knowledge as knowledge is power. So, I want to see a lot of new faces in my Facebook group this week.

Here's to the women ready to become a femme fatale to the system.

It's time to end exhaustion and turn your feminine power on.

Women’s embodiment activator and wellness, health and mindset mentor


Hi! I'm Rhianna, a women's embodiment activator & mentor

Put on your favorite lipstick & I'll teach you to kiss overwhelm & stress goodbye 💋. In its place say hello to power & pleasure, presence & peace. I'm for the passionate powerhouse & the woman who likes it quick & potent so she can make her mark & enjoy the pursuit. My signature program – The Femme Initiation – is for the busy & successful woman who is ready to say "bye bitch" to stress & "hell yes" to a luxurious life.

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