
Hi! I'm Rhianna, a women's embodiment activator & mentor

Put on your favorite lipstick & I'll teach you to kiss overwhelm & stress goodbye 💋. In its place say hello to power & pleasure, presence & peace. I'm for the passionate powerhouse & the woman who likes it quick & potent so she can make her mark & enjoy the pursuit. My signature program – The Femme Initiation – is for the busy & successful woman who is ready to say "bye bitch" to stress & "hell yes" to a luxurious life.

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A new paradigm of living & working

Reader, hey you. The women before us – or perhaps even you – have proved without shadow of a doubt that we can succeed as well as any man, but it came with a cost. The cost of denying our feminine: The epidemic of overwhelm, stress, and exhaustion amongst women. The disconnection from our bodies due to feeling unsafe, leading to pain, sickness, and loss of sensuality and sexuality. The trauma resulting from the idolization of the female body for the male gaze. The fatigue of always bearing...

11 months ago • 2 min read

I believe the next age of feminism will normalize women acting more like women & less like men. An age of honoring the feminine. My mother was part of the generation of women who proved without a shadow of a doubt that women can succeed in a man’s world by working like a man. That narrative has served its purpose, but now it is time for a new narrative that serves & honors women better. I am not a man. So I should not have to work like one to live a life that fulfills me. I am part of the...

12 months ago • 1 min read

Reader, hey you! I shared last week the story of a client who, within 2 weeks of starting to work with me, eliminated the pressure of anxiety, stress, and emotional overwhelm by implementing the daily 10-minute practice & changing nothing else. It touched my heart because I had the same experience: quick & potent results. And, truly, I'd love more women to feel this. So, I decided to teach this 10-minute practice, for the first and likely only time starting June 1. If you’re stressed,...

12 months ago • 1 min read

Reader, hey you. It's raining here today and I'm really feeling the book, tea, couch vibes; especially as I'm on day 1 of my bleed – my energy plummet drastically yesterday. Instead of sharing my words today, I'm sharing words from a woman I tune into for deep guidance: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D, author of Women Who Run With The Wolves. In no particular order on the cost of being driven without enough connection to your feminine energy and soul - your home. When a woman is gone too...

almost 1 year ago • 3 min read

Reader, hey you. Your job is not the root cause of your overwhelm. I would have disagreed with that statement too. So let me explain. The reality is, if your job was the main culprit, quitting and finding a new one would be the answer. And it's not. You'd still stay busy. You'd still work over your lunch break or work late. You'd still say "yes" when you'd rather say "no". The job, the wedding to plan, the kids, the stress of entrepreneurship finally thriving, all of it contributes, but...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Reader, I've asked you this before but it bares repeating. Are you dangerous to the patriarchy? There are many avenues to take but the easiest one is awareness of and approaching life with the qualities of your menstrual cycle – no matter if you're in your early bleeds or in post menopause. To become dangerous to the patriarchy, we need to turn back to the ways in which our feminine power first put the patriarchy’s at risk. ⭕️ By reclaiming our bodies as sensual, sexual & alive. ⭕️ By...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Reader, hey you. I have 2 places in my life currently where women’s safety has come up. It makes me tender, feel vulnerable & on fire with ANGER 🔥😡 So I'm talking women’s safety and normalizing, processing & holding space for our anger. As a fiery woman who has always felt I needed to be apologetic about my anger, I’m normalizing the anger and shared in my private Facebook group the two most important things I’ve learned in processing and expressing my strong emotions ❤️🔥. 💥Lesson #1 comes...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Reader, hey you. Being dangerous to the patriarchy and finding peace in the pursuit of a life of immense accomplishment ⚡️ and profound peace 🕊 are one and the same thing. It's a path of less overwhelm and more ease, saying no to hustle and yes to pleasure. And these qualities – slowing down, ease, pleasure, patience ✨– are more difficult for some of us. If you would self describe as bold, ambitious, fierce 💥, a leader, compassionate, empathetic, and heart-centered 💛, then these qualities are...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Reader, hey you. Ground your feet. Sit up a bit. Take a breath. Maybe sigh. Take a long blink. Read the statement below. I'm tired, but still trying. Passionate, but averse to a life of hustle. Love my work & the people in my life even more. Yet, I'm unwilling to settle for a life without power & pleasure, presence & peace. Did you feel something stir when you read it? Does this resonate? This statement was exactly how I felt years ago. I refused to believe this is too much to ask for: a life...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Reader, hey you. Forget chanting "fucking patriarchy", instead become the femme fatale and a danger to the system. This is what it's really about. I'm not into the blame "patriarchy" game. Yes, you've seen it pop up in my spaces because it triggers – gets that heart pulsing, that breath inhaled, that emotion sparked. Yet, I'm not interested in chanting to burn it down or to suggest that men are the problem (I don't think they are). I've always been more turned on by curing root causes. The...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read
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